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How to Reduce Abandoned Cart

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Did you know that 70% of potential online sales result in cart abandonment? Chances are you’re selling your products or services online. Owing to this growing trend, you might be losing great profit. Just think how much you’d earn if there was a way to seal those deals instead of letting them slip away by a thread. Luckily for you, we have four effective strategies you can implement right away to reach this goal. Continue reading to learn about them in greater depth.

Offer Shop Assistance

Not all customers are tech-savvy. Some might need guidance through the checkout process. This is where you can step in and provide all the help they need. For example, you can add chatbots and introduce them to your customers. They can help users navigate the website to find what they need in an instant. Other than this, you can also add informative explainers and tooltips in the right places. Users can refer to them whenever they’re in doubt about their shopping cart. This will ensure they move to the next phase in their shopping journey despite any concerns along the way.

Provide Security Reassurance

When it comes to online shopping, most customers have their doubts about its security. It’s because they’re asked to provide plenty of personal and sensitive data. Also, hacker attacks are becoming more and more refined every day. For this reason, brands have to first nurture trust with their customers and enhance their security systems as much as they can. Brands can also invest in high-security standards and transparency. For instance, they can get trust marks, which might serve as additional reassurance to customers. The mark might even convince new users to become customers without being too familiar with the brand itself. 

Send Incentivised Reminders

People often forget they’ve put something in their carts on some website. It’s your job to remind them via email and convince them to complete their order. To do that, it’s best to resort to email optimisation. For starters, you want to get the timing right. They’re gone if you wait too long to send them a subtle reminder. That’s why it’s necessary to send it within a few hours of their cart abandonment. The next important email element is the incentive. This type of customer is more likely to continue where they’ve left off if they receive some sort of incentive. Free shipping or a slight discount is enough to convince them to take the offer. 

Emphasise Returns Policy

According to some studies, the reason for almost 16% of cart abandonments is unsatisfactory returns policies. This is especially the case with online retailers. They also make the mistake of informing the customer of the policy post-purchase. What makes sense in this situation is the opposite – emphasise the policy before the purchase. Why? Because it increases transparency and customer satisfaction. The checkout process leaves no relevant questions unanswered. This doesn’t mean you have to present the returns policy in its full form. A few self-explanatory graphics will do. As a result, the customers will have no reason to feel dissatisfied with their shopping experience on your website. 


Cart abandonment is one of the major reasons why most sales don’t go through. Businesses fail to reach their goals because they invest too much and get scraps in return. To turn the tables, you can choose one of the strategies in this article. They demand little effort but can bring significant results to your bottom line. 

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