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5 Most Important PPC Trends for 2020

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No matter what industry your business belongs to, chances are it is a highly competitive one. The goal of every company is to maximise their investment returns. The same goes for advertising strategies and models. As new Pay-per-click (PPC) trends emerge every day, it is difficult to keep up with the most recent ones. Also, some may not be effective and suitable for every business. For this reason, here are five PPC growing trends that simply cannot be ignored in 2020.

Enhancing Social Media Presence

Social media has outgrown its primary function a long time ago. It has successfully found its way into digital marketing serving as an affordable yet effective strategy. Existing customers as well as the potential ones of different demographics use social networks daily. Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, or Pinterest, you name it — various target groups spend hours every day on these platforms.

The younger audience rarely has profiles on only one social network. Businesses can use this to their advantage and focus on social PPC. Google and Facebook may be the most common platforms for this marketing model. However, it is expected that in 2020 and beyond, marketers start exploiting plenty of other social networks. Relying on social media can significantly boost online visibility and brand recognition.

Combining SEO and PPC

Without any doubt, search engine optimization (SEO) and PPC go hand in hand. Their synergy produces impressive results and it seems it will only be further reinforced in the future. For this to be a winning combination, marketers should merge the best of both worlds along with making slight modifications. Adjustments are necessary as businesses differ regarding their budget, goals, and industry. What may work for one brand may not be efficient for the other.

Analysing the effective ad copy of the brand is a step in the right direction. As in many other marketing aspects, consistency is important. The content should be original, engaging and such that it aligns with the selected ad copy. Thanks to consistency and authenticity, the brand can move up in the search engine rankings.

Additionally, the combination of SEO and PPC can make a difference when it comes to bidding. Auction insights reports, among other data, make keyword targeting much easier and more successful.

Targeting Groups

Although Google Ads has many great features, one is particularly interesting. The more recent update allows adding target groups. Using this feature makes your strategy more efficient as it helps target a specific audience. Only the selected target group can see the ads. It is a great way to make the most out of the resources.

What is great about this feature is the much-needed specifics it allows. Marketers can clearly specify the variables, such as age, gender, income, etc. concerning the target audience. Also, it is possible to exclude target groups from being able to see the ads if the product isn’t right for them.

This isn’t all Google Ads offer. Advertisers can use other features to target better, such as layering audiences. Specific topics, interests, and keywords help narrow the customers down to those who are most likely to buy the product.

Emerging Voice Search

The appearance of revolutionary voice assistants or smart speakers, such as Siri or Alexa, has shaken up the world. Today, some online searches can be initiated by voice. However, with constant technological development, this feature will soon become a vital part of people’s lives.

While voice search advertising hasn’t yet become the mainstream, it might emerge any time now. Until this happens, marketers and businesses can start preparing the field.  People usually speak in a more natural, conversational tone when voice searching. For this reason, the content on the website should employ this tone. Also, using long-tail keywords can considerably improve the odds of being recognized during the voice search.

Increasing Sales through Remarketing

Remarketing, or retargeting, is a very powerful marketing strategy. It is a great way for maintaining contact with the customers and visitors to the website. Marketers strategically position ads to those people who have bought or browsed for the products in the past.

Whether they bought the products or just browsed, it doesn’t matter. What matters is that they have visited the website. Once they left the website, they are targeted by ads. This tactic helps increase conversions and allows the advertisers to remind those existing or potential customers of their brand.  Businesses are no longer interested in attracting customers who aren’t willing to spend money. Instead, they focus on potential customers who are always ready to buy products.  Targeted and personalized ads result in greater conversions.

To sum up, the digital marketing world is constantly progressing and changing. So are the PPC tactics and strategies. Every business wants to make most of their investments and stay competitive on the market. That is why their marketing strategies always have to evolve as well. Keeping up to date with the latest technological advancements and practices will ensure the PPC campaign runs smoothly and efficiently.

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