Consistency is one of the greatest challenges in maintaining and improving your social media campaign. It’s fun to think of creative ideas for content as you start your campaign and by combining social media marketing with content marketing and search engine optimisation you will reach more audiences and generate income in the long run. However, you might experience a social media content writer’s block as days and months pass by. Your brain would start losing its ability to think of original ideas. And when finding and creating what to post becomes more challenging, it might affect the frequency and quantity of posts you have on your social media page.

Quality is still more important than quantity and consistency is far better than posting too often. Posting appealing and engaging content should be your focus more than posting a lot of non-related content on your social media. Do this only when your audience is a cost-effective and time-saving strategy rather than being an online nuisance for them because you are all over the place around social media and all of the time.
Create a Content Calendar
Every social media marketing goal requires time and effort every single day. Thus, you need to make sure that you are not just posting content whenever you’re feeling inspired or when everything else is taken care of. You should maintain a social media calendar so you can plan ahead and avoid impromptu content.
Note down all your creative ideas and types of contents good for a month or two then plot all of it on your calendar. Continue creating and plotting for the coming months or consider adjusting some if deemed to be necessary based on trends. This is the best way to stay away from desperate scrolling through generic inspiring quotes on Google just to find contents to post.
Post a Variety of Content
There may be a lot of content that you haven’t tried yet. You may explore other options such as turning a blog into a video clip (Vlog) and posting 360 photos or videos or a GIF. Do not limit what your camera can do. You may go live and interview your brand ambassadors or customer advocates.
You can also take advantage of your networking skills by collaborating with another brand. Then you can go back to the mainstream contents from time to time such as audience polls, FAQs, charts, graphs, and infographics. Posting different types of content but strictly complementing your brand makes your audience entertained and educated.
Batch-produce Content
Creating your content in batches would make your content calendar more organized. You will find it easier and quicker to produce enough content. You first need to plan by creating an outline, a story, or a pattern of contents you will create. Make a schedule and follow it. It means you will focus on creating one type of content at a time. Let’s just say on one scheduled session, you will write 5 blog posts, record 5 how-to guide videos on the next session, then find 5 worth sharing contents from your followers or community on the next one. It is a task-oriented method that can save you from spending a lot of time staring at your computer thinking where to start and what to do next.
Use Scheduling Tools
This is no longer new to any social media manager. Most of them, if not all businesses, are using scheduling tools for their marketing campaign. What does it have to do with having enough social media content for you? Saves you more time for producing a lot more content. The more you put your social media campaign on autopilot through scheduling tools, the more time you have to batch-produce future content.
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Make the most of your efforts! Who told you that you can’t reuse old posts? You can look for the topmost engaging posts that you created a few months ago and repurpose your content. You may consider scheduling a session for this task as it is worth the time. You can also recreate something out of it and provide a new post that is engaging and share-worthy.
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