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Zero-click Content: Definition and Benefits

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Marketers always struggle with finding new ways to engage users and increase traffic. More importantly, their practices must align with targeted platforms and their algorithms. Some prefer external links, but users don’t want to leave the app to satisfy their needs. If this is the case with your audience, then zero-click content is the right solution for you. In this article, you’ll understand what it means and what benefits it brings to your brand. 

Definition of Zero-click Content

A zero-click content is the type of content that doesn’t require clicking on a hyperlink to satisfy your need for information. The concept has been present in digital marketing for a few years already. Thanks to search engines showing snippets of information, users no longer need to actually click to consume content. Over the years, it has evolved into video carousels, panels, and other forms presented within SERPs. It seems the concept is continually taking new forms, so marketers are always alert for the latest novelties. The best examples of this content are short how-to videos, threads with stories and informative carousels. 

Brand Building

Since it has become incredibly difficult to convince the audience to click, zero-click content seems like the best solution. Some of the most successful brands have already been using this tactic to enhance their marketing efforts. Especially the ones focused on growth. Instead of doing whatever it takes to make viewers click on a link, they are offering valuable content from the start. However, not many brands are willing to do so. Why? Because it takes a fair amount of trust that viewers will recognize and reward such content with engagement or by taking a desired action. With this outcome come great benefits for the brand. For example, higher brand awareness and a larger community. All of which can help you build your brand on a solid foundation.


There are some indicators that certain social media algorithms prefer zero-click content better. It seems to be the case with LinkedIn and X so far. If your strategies revolve around these networks, then use this knowledge to your advantage. Posts without links could also keep the users on the platform. This reduces bounce rates while increasing engagement at the same time. To satisfy both the users and algorithms, you should create shorter but relevant content. Users won’t need to click on it to find information, while algorithms will reward you for not resorting to external links. 


Believe it or not, users rarely like switching between platforms. It disrupts their favourite pastime whenever they have to click on an external link. Zero-click content is better for several reasons. Firstly, they can consume more content in various forms in less time. Knowing how short the average human attention span is this allows brands to keep their attention long enough to convert them. Secondly, when faced with straightforward, valuable content, users are more open to consuming the whole article. Lastly, no clickbait. Users no longer have to be exposed to clickbait. Instead, they can enjoy high-quality content without catchy headlines. 


Being inventive when it comes to driving traffic and increasing engagement is always demanding for marketers. Especially if their audience has specific preferences regarding content consumption. Zero-click content is effective for target groups that don’t want to click effortlessly to find information. Sharing valuable content upfront will positively reflect on algorithms, brand building and relationships with your users. 

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